Feasting and slumbering on the Grossglockner High Alpine Road

The culinary selection which indulges visitors to the gastronomic establishments along the entire route of the Grossglockner High Alpine Road are just as versatile as the landscape and the experiences are. All you have to do is decide what you are in the mood for - has your appetite been whetted for some excellent ‘Kaiserschmarren’? Fancy some delicious Carinthian ‘Kasnudeln’? Coffee and cake with views to 30, three-thousand metre mountains? Or how about a speedier, smaller snack? There is something to suit every palate at the bistros, Alpine inns, guesthouses and restaurants along the Grossglockner High Alpine Road. We wish you ‘An Guadn!’ 

An overnight stay in the mountains

It is a very special experience spending a night in the mountains! Experiencing sunset and sunrise with a fantastic mountain backdrop. Exploring the road and the surrounding area early in the morning when nobody is up and about. Heading out on hikes while others are still slumbering down in the valley. Whether it is in a little inn or a large Alpine guesthouse, we have beds to suit everyone on the Grossglockner High Alpine road. 


for everyone who would like to stay in accommodation along the road – a day ticket is all you need for your journey. You don’t have to pay any extra upon exit – even after a longer stay. 

Restaurant F.A.T. Mankei | © grossglockner.at/Maierhofer

F.A.T. Mankei Restaurant

An der Fuscher Lacke
5672 Fusch an der Großglocknerstraße

+43 664 3955363 welcome@fat-mankei.com Website
E-charging station
Glockner-Shop Hochtor | © grossglockner.at


5672 Fusch an der Großglocknerstraße

+43 6546 600-430 info@grossglockner.at
Wallackhaus | © grossglockner.at

Mountain hotel Wallackhaus

Open until 3 November 2024

Untertauern 20
9844 Heiligenblut am Großglockner

+43 720 322 223 info@regiojethotels.cz regiojethotels.at/hotel-wallackhaus
Römerhütte on the Grossglockner High Alpine Road | © Römerhütte

Holiday home Roemerhuette

Familie Simon Brandstätter

Holiday home with sauna, barbecue hut & private garden for single occupancy for up to 20 people

Untertauern 19
9844 Heiligenblut am Großglockner

+43 4824 2261 info@urlaub-beim-anderles.com anderles.at/roemerhuette/
Restaurant Schöneck | © grossglockner.at

Mountain inn Schoeneck

Familie Suntinger

Restaurant offers space for approx. 100 people

Traditional Carinthian specialities, rich salad buffet, original Glockner wood oven bread

Winkl 78
9844 Heiligenblut am Großglockner

+43 650 2129802 schoeneck@gmx.at gasthaus-schoeneck.at
E-charging station