Car on the High Alpine Road

Prices and opening hours

Prices & opening hours

Current road charge prices and attractive discounts for buses, cars and motorbikes

Find out about prices and opening hours of the Grossglockner High Alpine Road prior to your arrival and select the ticket that best suits the trip of your choice: day ticket with extension option for a second day, 3-week-ticket, season ticket, round tour ticket or tour ticket for motorcyclists. Use the discounts you can get at the automobile associations ÖAMTC, ARBÖ and ADAC, and drive an electric vehicle for a particularly cheap price (tickets for this discount can only be obtained at the pay desks)!

Tip: comfortably buy your ticket at home online!

Opening Hours

The Grossglockner High Alpine Road will be open again on Saturday, 27 April. The roads to the Kaiser-Franz-Josefs-Höhe and Edelweiss-Spitze are still closed. Please always pay attention to the road conditions! We look forward to welcoming you.

Early May to early November
to May 31st, 6.00 am to 8.00 pm,
1st June to 31st August, 5.30 am to 9.00 pm
from 1st September 6.00 am - 7.30 pm
Last entrance 45 minutes before the night lock.

Visitor Centre Kaiser-Franz-Josefs-Hoehe daily open from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm, all other exhibitions & shops from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. Wilhelm Swarovski Observatory is open from 10 am to 4 pm. Due to renovation work, the Wilhelm Swarovski Observatory will not open until around the end of June!

The Gamsgruben-tunnel are closed.

If the road condition (above) shows “winter equipment”, the road can be driven with winter tyres or snow chains.

Prices 2024 Grossglockner High Alpine Road

Private car | e-Private car| Motor home*
Private car | Mobile home
e-Private car
Day ticket
43,00 €
The day ticket for cars is reduced to 33,00 € for trips after 6.00 p.m.
35,50 €
Electric cars and hydrogen cars. No hybrid car. For easier identification of an electric or hydrogen car, please show the registration document of your car at the cash desk.
Extra charge for 2nd day
16,00 €
16,00 €
Valid during the same calendar year in which the ticket was presented for the first trip, non-transferable and linked to the license plate of the vehicle.
86,00 €
Season tickets and 3-week-tickets can only be purchased for private vehicles (not for company cars, taxis and rental cars and car-sharing vehicles or other commercial uses). Classification is determined by vehicle registration certificate only (Austrian Terms of Vehicle Use 01). 3-week-tickets are valid for 22 consecutive days (including the date of issue).
Season ticket
121,00 €
Season tickets are valid from the first day of the season until winter closing, but no later than 31 December of the year issued. Season tickets can only be purchased for private vehicles (not for company cars, taxis and rental cars or other commercial uses). Classification is determined by vehicle registration certificate only (Austrian Terms of Vehicle Use 01).
Round trip ticket
51,00 €
46,00 €
Round trip tickets are valid for one trip on the Grossglockner High Alpine Road and one trip on the Felbertauern Road within 30 days.
The category "car" includes motor homes up to 3500 kg maximum gross vehicle weight (GVWR) and caravan combinations with a towing vehicle up to 3500 kg GVWR.
Motor homes and caravans from 3500 kg to 7500 kg GVWR are categorized as "Truck 1"; vehicles over 7500 kg GVWR are categorized as "Truck 2".
Motorcycle | e-Motorcycle
Day ticket
33,00 €
The day ticket for motorcycle is reduced to 26.50 € for trips after 6.00 p.m.
28,00 €
Only for 100 %a eletric motorcycles. For easier identification of an electric motorcycle, please show the registration document of your car at the cash desk.
Extra charge for 2nd day
16,00 €
16,00 €
Valid during the same calendar year in which the ticket was presented for the first trip, non-transferable and linked to the license plate of the vehicle.
66,00 €
Season tickets and 3-week-tickets can only be purchased for private vehicles (not for company cars, taxis and rental cars and car-sharing vehicles or other commercial uses). Classification is determined by vehicle registration certificate only (Austrian Terms of Vehicle Use 01)
Season ticket
121,00 €
Season tickets are valid from the first day of the season until winter closing, but no later than 31 December of the year issued. Season tickets can only be purchased for private vehicles (not for company cars, taxis and rental cars or other commercial uses). Classification is determined by vehicle registration certificate only (Austrian Terms of Vehicle Use 01).
Round trip ticket
41,50 €
37,00 €
Round trip tickets are valid for one trip on the Grossglockner High Alpine Road and one trip on the Felbertauern Road within 30 days.
51,00 €
Includes a day ticket for the Grossglockner, Gerlos and Nockalm Road and entitles you to purchase a reduced ticket at a price of EUR 12.00 for the Villacher Alpine Road. Available at the cash points on the individual streets and in advance sales at the ÖAMTC, ARBÖ and ADAC branches at a price of EUR 47,00.
Truck 1 | Truck 2
Truck 1
Truck 2
52,50 €
135,00 €
Truck 1: tractors and other freight pulling vehicles up to 3500 kg maximum gross vehicle weight (GVWR).

Truck 2: tractors and other freight pulling vehicles over 3500 kg maximum gross vehicle weight (GVWR).

The return trip on the same day is free of charge.
Bus group | Adults & Children
Bus group (per person)
6,80 €
3,40 €
Up to 6 passenger or empty bus costs € 43.00. The return trip on the same day is free of charge. Children in the age of 6-15 years, accept of groups of pupils (up to the age of 18, the child rate will be charged).
Bus prices are based on the actual number of passengers carried (but not below the minimum price), excluding the driver and one tour guide. However, the cashier may check the vehicle to verify this information. If the specified number of persons is incorrect, then instead of the group rate, the adult rate will be charged for the actual number of seats stated in the vehicle’s registration certificate.
For group trips of schoolchildren or adolescents up to the age of 18, the child rate will be charged. One accompanying adult is free per 10 children.

Multimedia Guide for the Grossglockner High Alpine Road

Visitors of the Grossglockner High Alpine Road can now be guided by a completely new multimedia guide - quite simply via app on the smartphone. The virtual guide gives a deep insight into the nature and tells exciting historical facts. More information in our Blog!